Welcome to the USS New Jersey
The USS New Jersey is a Star Trek fan club based in southern New Jersey and a chapter of Starfleet, the International Star Trek Fan Association. Within STARFLEET, our chapter is located within Region 7. More about STARFLEET and its Regions, including ours, below.
We get together in person and online for monthly meetings and events. Events range the gamut of conventions, movie nights, fundraisers for a variety of organizations, get togethers to talk about Star Trek, sci-fi, space, and more.

STARFLEET is the world’s oldest and largest Star Trek fan organization. Spanning over five decades, STARFLEET has provided Star Trek fans a way to make friends, have fun, give back to their communities, and show that the dream of Gene Roddenberry can live long and prosper. STARFLEET is a collection of hundreds of chapters across the world and range in size from 10 members to several dozen members each. STARFLEET is 5,429+ members strong, within 208+ chapters, and 20+ countries.
Each chapter is grouped in Regions, 20 in all, based on geographical areas of the world. The Region our chapter belongs to is Region 7, which encompasses Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania in the United States.